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Life onboard

The Place of Women

July 3, 2017

I have been intrigued by this place since Morgan Freeman, pants rolled up and shoes flung casually over his shoulder, strode towards Tim Robbins fixing up his old boat on the beach (if that doesn’t ring a bell, it’s time to re-watch Shawshank Redemption). It’s obvious to me now…


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Life onboard Underway

Part 2: From the last straw to recovery

June 7, 2017

Day Three: The last straw

4:00am John shakes me from a fitful sleep. I peak groggily at my watch. It’s late, John pulled a particularly long shift. He’s been in the cockpit for over 6 hours and it is certainly time for him to rest. I pull myself from bed…


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Life onboard Underway

Part 1: Pleasant, then annoying

June 6, 2017

Day one: Pleasant

They had been forecasting a hurricane. Her name was Adrian and she was currently holding the title of earliest tropical storm ever recorded in this part of the world (since 1966 when they started recording these things, apparently). Every forecast every day had her forming in a…


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Life onboard


June 3, 2017


(This article appeared in the May edition of 48 North)

When I turned 16, I threw a day-long party in the backyard. No gifts, no games, no structure – just burgers and cake and a pile of people I cared about from all areas of my life. Friends I’d had…


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48North Blog Latitude Reduction Life onboard

It takes 6 months

May 2, 2017

*This is my article published in April’s issue of 48 North. You can head here to read the magazine version*

Before we left Seattle, those that had cruised before all agreed it would take us six months before we truly slowed down. Of course, if we asked the same 12…


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Blog Latitude Reduction Life onboard

Adventuring to Dinner

April 14, 2017


The guidebooks rave about this place; a “cruiser’s paradise” they call it. Embodying what Mexican cruising should be, they say, it holds the honor of cover photo. A calm anchorage at the base of a European style whitewashed resort that climbs the hillside, dotted with palm trees and draped…


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48North Blog Latitude Reduction Life onboard

Cruising is Different than Living Aboard

April 7, 2017

*This is my article for March’s issue of 48 North. You can check out the magazine version here (pg 36)*


For five years before cutting the lines to go cruising, we lived aboard our Valiant 40, Halcyon, in the Pacific Northwest. For five years, she served as our home while…


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A day in the life Blog Latitude Reduction Life onboard

A day in the life (chapter 1)

March 27, 2017


I have never been the type to enjoy recounting the details of my daily activities – either in a journal or on my blog. I find it feels monotonous, both for the writer and the reader.

But the most common question I receive is some variation of “what do your…


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Blog Latitude Reduction Life onboard

Getting Spoiled

March 4, 2017

Cruising is not all sunshine and roses… but that’s hard to remember right now. We pulled into Barra de Navidad about a week ago, and I think we’re in love.

Let me back up. As we looked at route planning before leaving Seattle, our attention was drawn over and over…


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Blog Latitude Reduction Life onboard

A Day in the Life

November 20, 2016

That title usually evokes normalcy: explain to me a single day because the rest of them are probably similar. Well, that’s just not the case around here; very little stays the same day to day. So instead of normalcy, I want that title to induce a comparison; this is…

John and Becca Guillote

John is the photographer. He portrays the layers of history, emotion, spirit and culture in each moment through his application of light, perspective, and detail. He also takes pictures.

Becca is the writer. She tells vivid stories of authentic moments, highlighting the beautiful, dangerous, dramatic and hilarious with grammatically correct sentences and her tongue held firmly by her cheek.


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