John and Becca

March 4, 2018

  1. Reply

    Maurisa Descheemaeker

    March 14, 2018

    Hi Becca and John,
    Met you in Columbia Cove on the West side of vanvouver Island. So cool
    To see your adventure continue to unfold! Wondering if you have any recommendations for cruising guides in the sea of cortez or for mexico?

    • Reply


      March 15, 2018

      Hi Maurisa – of course we remember you and your family! I am so glad you reached out. We recommend Shawn and Heather’s guides for Mexico – they have one for Pacific Mexico and one for the Sea of Cortez (you’ll need both if you head into the sea!) Here is an amazon link to them. Are you planning a Mexico trip? I highly recommend it! We loved the year we spent in Mexico.

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John and Becca Guillote

John is the photographer. He portrays the layers of history, emotion, spirit and culture in each moment through his application of light, perspective, and detail. He also takes pictures.

Becca is the writer. She tells vivid stories of authentic moments, highlighting the beautiful, dangerous, dramatic and hilarious with grammatically correct sentences and her tongue held firmly by her cheek.


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